Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Duchess

Today at the FBO my buddy and I worked at fixing an engine problem on a twin engine prop plane called The Duchess. My brother lent me his camera and told me to get some pictures for the blog, but I enjoy disregarding his sagely advice.

On that note, I'd like to say that my brother is the shit. I should search through some resale stores and find a big ass trophy to give to him, just because he is so amazing. Wow I'm going to give a shout out to him now; check out his really sweet blog on becoming an architect at thebuildersboneyard.blogspot.com! Go Tom bff4evar!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

About Me and This Blog

I am Stephen and this is why I have created this blog. I realize that to attract visitors I should make a lot of posts with searchable titles and content, like "Amateur Pilot Avoids Crash" and "Tips On Quickly Gaining Your Private Pilot's License." I should also include great pictures with every post.